Home Health Care

Home Care Packages are a planned and case managed package or group of services, to support you to remain living independently at home.

What Are Home Care Packages?

Home Care Packages are a planned and case managed package or group of services, to support you to remain living independently at home.

These packages are allocated depending on availability and your needs. Services range from low touch support such as housekeeping to more complex high care services such as clinical care and respite.

View HomeCare ServicesPhone 1300 363 654

Home Care Services Available

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Home Care Services

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Allied Healthcare, Wellness Programs

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Home Care Services

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Let's Work Together

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Qualified Nurses

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Customisable Transport

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A Range of Services to Make Living at Home Easier

  • Home cleaning
  • Laundry
  • Bed making
  • Washing the dishes
  • Shopping and meal preparation
  • General household support such as helping with telephone calls, getting to appointments and help with other essential tasks
  • Bill paying and managing your mail
  • Lawn mowing / Garden care
  • Home assessments by an occupational therapist
  • Installing safety equipment
  • Minor household maintenance, e.g. changing light globes, changing batteries in smoke detectors

I’m Not a HomeCare Package Holder, How Do I Apply?

Normally, the first step in accessing homecare funding is to apply through My Aged Care.

My Aged Care can be contacted via phone or online. The My Aged Care representative will ask a series of questions about the kind of support that you may need.

If an applicant requires a further assessment you will be triaged to either a regional assessment service or an aged care assessment team to have a more in-depth discussion, this is referred to as the Aged Care Assessment Program (ACAP).

My Aged Care will then support a person with the remaining steps to receive their homecare package and begin accessing services.

Who are HomeCare Packages Appropriate For?

HomeCare packages (HCP) are appropriate for older adults who require some level of support at home.

Currently, the target group for homecare packages are for people who are over 65 years of age, or for people who are over 55 years of age who identify as part of the Indigenous or Torres Strait Islander community.

The phrase “level of support” could mean many things;

It could be as simple as a person who wishes to access social services in their region, or a person who requires more support, such as someone living with a physical or neurological condition requiring specialised healthcare.

NovaCare supports all levels of HCP consumers.

Why Choose Nova Home Care Services?

If you love living independently but are finding it harder to manage your home and yard, NovaHome services may be for you.

NovaCare understands that it can be difficult to keep up with all the chores. We also realise that time is a precious commodity for carers and families.

That’s why we’re here. We can help you maintain your independence, and enjoy your life at home and in the community.

Send An Enquiry Phone 1300 363 654

NovaCare Home Care Package Price Guide July 2023

HomeCare FAQ

  • I’m with another provider but would like to swap to NovaCare, how can I do this?

    Please phone us or contact us via the contact page and we will guide you through the process.

    NovaCare provides services to people living in Lake Macquarie, Newcastle, Port Stephens and Maitland, NSW.

    We can also discuss our services and the wonderful things we can help you access.

    We can help you gain an understanding of the transfer timeline, because each organisation will have a different notice period. You can count on NovaCare to be ready on the transfer date!

  • Am I locked into NovaCare services or do I have choice and control?

    People have full control over their services with NovaCare.

    We are total believers that people should have full control over who provides services to them in their own house.

    We do not have an exit fee in our contract. People may cancel for any reason.

  • In what ways will NovaCare’s administration team support me?

    Our kind intake team will help you with:

    • Short and long term budgeting
    • Budgeting variables, such as moving from a level 2 to 3 package
    • Listening to your story in your own words, preparing great services to access

    After starting with us, we’ll provide you with:

    • A monthly statement with service/finance details
    • Your case manager will ask for feedback on how we can serve you better
    • 24/7 emergency phone support
    • Scheduling of services
    • Appropriate reviews of your HCP
    • Our internal Allied Health professionals can review your healthcare management, or take part appropriately if your Allied health professionals are external to us
  • I’m a new homecare package holder and I believe NovaCare is right for me, how can we get started?

    Please phone us or use our contact page. You will be assigned a dedicated NovaCare case manager who will support you now, and in the future as things change.

    Initially, the ACAT will be involved and the homecare applicant will receive a letter to say that they’re approved for a package and have entered the final queue to receive homecare funding.

    At NovaCare, we can arrange interim assistance for people while they’re waiting for their homecare package to be assigned.

    Our intake team will have initial discussions with applicants about the kind of support that they individually need to stay living in their own home. We can also discuss budgeting for homecare services to help people optimise their expenditure.

    Consumers are always given choice and control. After the homecare package is assigned, they are free to continue with us or choose another provider.

  • What great things can NovaCare clients do around the Hunter?

    The world is your oyster! Here’s some of the fun events we can do:

    • Scone time – socialisation with plenty of cream and jam. Fresh cream too! Not the canned stuff. This takes place at local clubs.
    • Cycling without age – an international movement which enables people to ride on trishaw bikes, enjoy the scenery and the wind in their hair.
    • You choose – lunches, trips on the harbour, wellness activities through to wellness classes, or anything in between!

    There’s a huge variety of opportunities for people to do fun things with Novacare. If you have any questions, please use our contact page to get in touch.

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